3rd Quarter 2023 Sabbath School Lesson Commentaries
Podcast versions may be accessed by clicking on (P)
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Ellen White Writings
Sabbath School Quarterly
1. Paul and the Ephesians (P) 2. God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan (P)
3. The Power of the Exalted Jesus (P) 4. How God Rescues Us (P)
5. Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church (P) 6. The Mystery of the Gospel (P)
7. The Unified Body of Christ (P) 8. Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech (P)
9. Living Wisely (P) 10. Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross (P)
11. Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ (P) 12. The Call to Stand (P)
13. Waging Peace (P) 14. Ephesians in the Heart (P)