Stephen Terry, Director

Still Waters Ministry


Babylon and Armageddon

Commentary for the June 23, 2018 Sabbath School Lesson


“But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.” 2 Peter 3:5-7, NIV

At almost $700 billion dollars,[i]  the United States’ annual spending on its ability to project military force around the world is greater than that of any other country in the world. China’s spending comes in at about a third of ours, while Russia, typically our greatest nemesis spends approximately a tenth of what we do.[ii]  This is not because we have the largest army,[iii]  but the budget reflects our heavy investment in advanced military technology. It is not hard to see the cost of that investment when a single Raytheon Cruise Missile can cost $1.4 million,[iv] and we have used many of them in our war on terror.  Our willingness to project devastating force around the globe has been apparent since the detonations above Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II. While that conflict was a declared war, we have continued to devastate opponents through the use of advanced military technology without often bothering to enter a state of a congressionally declared war. In many ways, this echoes the might and methods of the ancient Roman Empire.

Rome, which began as a republic with some similarities to our own democratic republic, eventually became an imperium, ruled by the decrees of successive Caesars. The Roman Senate, intended to be a check on power, devolved into irrelevancy on issues of major consequence. It apparently was the sense of their waning influence that prompted the assassination of Julius Caesar by some of those senators.[v]  Nonetheless, their action did not stop the death of the republic and perhaps even precipitated it. Without the hindrance of the senate, Rome became an unrivaled military power, able to project its might and will on three continents for centuries. Is this the direction the United States is headed? Some seem to fear that as we develop we are creating an image to that power similar to the “image of the beast” in the book of Revelation.[vi]

With our military and economic might, we determine through sanctions who might “buy and sell,”[vii] and we dictate what the terms of their relationship with the United States must be. This has brought untold wealth to our shores and to the shores of those countries’ kings and merchants we extend preferred status to. Too often morality has taken last place next to the desire to keep that abundant wealth accumulating in our dragon’s horde, a horde which gives us the ability to have the power we project. We are too willing to make the “devil’s deal” to keep that power and what it provides. Those, who might challenge the basis of that power, whether countries or individuals, are soon “outside the loop” of national favor.

Some, who might take a more literal approach to their study of the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation, may see all this as leading toward a climactic battle to take place in the Middle East, perhaps in a war to determine who shall have possession of the holy city, Jerusalem. It is truly a potent brew, the admixture of our desire for cheap oil and our feeling that Jerusalem is intrinsically holy. Our willingness to quaff it to the dregs has kept us involved in the part of the world for a very long time. Thousands of Americans have watered the sands of the Middle East with their blood in order to keep our fingers in that pie, to say nothing of the tens of thousands who did not want us there and paid with their lives, and too often the lives of their families, attempting to prevent us. So are we irrevocably destined to a great final battle in the Middle East, a battle of Armageddon?

Uriah Smith[viii]  and some of the Adventist Pioneers were inclined to believe this. When they looked around for belligerents, they decided the Ottoman Empire fit the role of the King of the North of Daniel, chapter 11 and so have felt that the Ottoman Empire would re-establish its capital in or near Jerusalem and that would hurl the world into the final crisis that would bring all the players together for that apocalyptic battle. Then while that battle was raging, Jesus would step in at the head of his heavenly army and intervene like a parent would with misbehaving children, only with a more permanent solution. But this information has been around for almost two millennia, so how could such a battle take place if the outcome is already known? Why wouldn’t we take steps to prevent it ever happening? To be sure, mankind has tried. We have had the League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations. But for all of their promise, they have proven ineffective at preventing warfare or at reigning in the power of the permanent members of the Security Council. They often find their efforts stymied instead by the vetoes of one or more of those members. Likely, each of those vetoes are given in the belief that they are acting in the best interests of the world, but the Bible tells us that perspective will be self-deluding as the end approaches. Paul, the Apostle, wrote to the worshippers at Thessalonica, “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.”[ix]

This was modeled in ancient Israel. After the death of Solomon, the majority of Israel split from the tribe of Judah. Believing their course to be the right one, they decided to substitute a counterfeit worship for the worship at the Temple in Jerusalem, for they feared the peoples’ loyalty would return to Jerusalem instead of remaining with the new capital in Samaria.[x] They instead set up idols of golden calves at two places, Dan and Bethel, that may have been influenced by the golden calf set up by Aaron while Moses was on Mount Sinai.[xi] That earlier event had been strongly condemned and thousands died as a result. Saying that the setting up of these later calves was like a dog returning to its vomit would not be too strong to portray what they had done. Severing themselves from the temple and worshipping these golden idols made it easier to justify syncretism with the pagan peoples who still lived among them. The worship of Baal, the storm god and Astarte, the queen of heaven, became far more common than the worship of God, the Creator. By the time of King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, the Sidonian, the priests of Baal numbered in the hundreds. So few apparently still worshipped God that the prophet, Elijah, thought he was alone in remaining faithful.[xii]

In a confrontation that presaged Armageddon, Elijah faced off against four hundred fifity of those prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel with a “Duel of the Gods.” The outcome proved that the truth does not rely on majoirty opinion. The majority can believe that Baal, Astarte, or even no god at all is the truth, but God is not elected by majority vote of mankind. In fact, a god that required that kind of validation would be no god at all, only a projection of our human perception of power, and that power, being only our perception, is all too often impotent. People may come to such a god for as long as the vending machine is dispensing what they desire, but should it fail, their faith follows suit. Perhaps this is why Elijah confonted the Baal worshippers in this way. He knew that under close supervision, their vending machine would prove empty. The story supports that view, for Baal failed to meet the challenge, but the true Creator consumed offering, wood, stones, and water in a fiery blast from heaven.[xiii] The people then, apaprently at Elijah’s direction, turned on those priests of the false god, Baal, and slew them all.

The day will come when fire will cosume all that we have made more important than God. We have created a Tower of Babel in our attempt to usurp the power of God by bringing our own fire down from heaven through nuclear holocaust.[xiv] Our golden calf no longer resides in Bethel or Dan, but in Wall Street and the entire world worships that beast. When it shudders the economy of the whole globe falters. But amidst the lamentation of all, it will also fall, according to the book of Revelation, and those who have grown rich from this world will be wtihout recourse on that day. The Babel of commerce in hundreds of languages will cease, replaced by the desperate cries for refuge as cataclysms mount one upon another. The only sure refuge will be the one already secured by those who sought to make God their strong tower[xv] rather than their own strength and power. Their wealth will no longer secure anything, being fit only to toss away.[xvi] On that day, where will we be?

[i] "2018 Defense Budget."

[ii] "What are the Biggest Defence Budgets in the World?"

[iii] "29 Largest Armies in the World."

[iv] "The US will likely strike Syria with Tomahawk missiles. Here's what you need to know about the weapon 'presidents reach for first in a crisis',"

[v] "Assassination of Julius Caesar,"

[vi] Revelation 13:15

[vii] Revelation 13:16-17

[viii] Cf. “Daniel and the Revelation.” Uriah Smith, Southern Publishing Association, 1944. (also available as a PDF from

[ix] 2 Thessalonians 2:10b-11, NIV

[x] 1 Kings 12:26-33

[xi] Exodus 32

[xii] 1 Kings 19:14

[xiii] 1 Kings 18:16-40

[xiv] Revelation 13:13

[xv] Proverbs 18:10

[xvi] Isaiah 2:20




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