Road to Faith
for the August 12, 2017 Sabbath School Lesson
the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a
law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly
have come by the law.” Galatians 3:21, NIV
How strange that Paul should write this. His implication
being that a law could not have been given that could impart life. Yet we read
in Leviticus 18:5, “Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them
will live by them. I am the LORD.” NIV How can such a contradiction come from
Paul, who was raised in Judaism and was totally immersed in every bit of
legalism that comes with such an upbringing. This bears closer investigation.
On the one hand we have God via Moses proclaiming that
those who obey His laws will live by them. This seems pretty straight forward.
Find out what the laws are and carry them around for reference so we can check
them off as obeyed and be assured of life. Maybe phylacteries would be a handy
way to do this. Then everyone would know that we were committed to doing what
God said. Maybe we could also write them on the doorposts of our homes so we
would be reminded on entering and exiting what the checklist said. (See
Deuteronomy 6:7-9) Of course that would allow us to see outwardly whether or
not our neighbors were doing the same. Not that we would judge them in this,
but everyone knows that the Bible says, “By their fruit you will recognize
them…” Matthew 7:16, NIV Could it be that crosses and symbols of fish on bumper
stickers are no more than modern phylacteries?
Paul’s statement however seems to be explicitly antinomian.
He begins on a familiar note as he maintains that the law is not opposed to
God’s promises. But then he goes on “if a law had been given,” the grammatical
structure here implies that it had not been, “that could impart life,” again
the implication is the opposite, that it cannot impart life, “then
righteousness would certainly have come by the law.” The formula variables
would be A = Law Given, B = Law Obeyed, C = Righteousness, D = Life. So the
formula would be A + B = C or A + B = D therefore C = D. This is the formula
used in Leviticus 18:5. But Paul is maintaining that A + B does not equal
either C or D.
Instead, Paul has repeatedly said that a new variable F
= C and therefore by definition also D. But F does not equal A + B. (See Romans
1:17, Galatians 3:18, Ephesians 2:8-9, and Philippians 3:8-9) Some disagree
with this new variable being equal to either C or D. Instead they replace A
with F in the original formula. But if F = C or D then by definition F + B
cannot equal either one. Perhaps this is the unworkable example of putting new
wine in old wineskins that Jesus referred to. (See Matthew 9:17)
It is easy to understand why some would want the formula
to be F + B = C. If it is, then they still have something that will allow them
to do a little “fruit inspecting.” Works are much easier to identify than
faith. It makes it more convenient to compare my works with someone else’s to
see how I am doing and by comparison, how they are doing as well. And by making
the formula F + B, I can then judge their faith as well since works are an
acceptable standard of comparison.
Some defend these comparisons by maintaining that they
are necessary to purge evil from the church. Yet, after several millennia of
applying this formula, evil still exists within the church. In fact every
apostasy throughout history has arisen first within the church. If this has
been meant to be an effective safeguard against evil, it has not worked very
well. If anything it has resulted in far more heinous evil in the inquisitions,
pogroms, and crusades that have slain many in the name of maintaining a pure
church. Too many today see themselves as wielding the spear of Phinehas to root
evil from the camp. (See Numbers 25:7-8) Were the evil as clear cut as what
Phinehas dealt with then perhaps this would be acceptable, but it is not.
Unfortunately, we all too often apply a mistranslation
of a Bible verse to attack all sorts of imagined evils. We judge others based
on an appearance of evil, not the reality of evil. In the King James Version,
the verse reads “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22.
Some have applied this translation as “It doesn’t matter if you are actually
doing evil of not. If it looks like evil to me, you are sinning.” However, a
more correct translation of this passage is found in the New International
Version as well as several other translations, “reject every kind of evil.” The
clear difference is that evil has to actually be present, not just its
appearance, to be rejected.
How then can a Christian living by the Spirit be secure
to live a righteous life within and secure against evil from without if they do
not have the law as a guide? The answer is faith. Faith is the active principle
of a life lived by the law of the Spirit. This is the faith spoken of in Psalm
23 and Psalm 91. Some would have us believe that God is not like this, that
instead of walking through dark valleys with us, or making our food and drink
sure in the very presence of our enemies, He is instead looking for ways to get
out of helping us. They picture Him as a God who sits in heaven with His
checklist and makes notes like “Sally didn’t have an offering at church this
week. No blessings for her.” Or “Jimmy went into a bar tonight. Keep all the
angels away, and let the Devil have him.” Some Christians actually model this
type of God in their own behavior towards others. How sad.
Jesus portrayed God as a loving father eagerly watching
and waiting for his son to return home. A father who loved that son so much
that no matter what the son had done, the first thing he would experience was
his father’s loving embrace. All that the son had was from his father. But
rather than use it to show honor and respect to his father, he threw it away in
a far city. We often do the same with the blessings God has sent our way. But
God’s love is constant, no matter what we have done. If we choose to return to
Him, He watches for us and stands with His arms open to receive us.
John tells us succinctly that “God is love.” (See 1 John
4:8) God Himself wants us to know Him in this way. He says of Himself, “…I will
cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the
LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will
have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Exodus 33:19, NIV This is the
same God that John told us about when he wrote, “If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9, NIV
This is the God I love. He stands ready to forgive all
if I only come to Him. And because Jesus died once for all sins, He stands
ready to cleanse us from all sin, anytime, anywhere. I like to think of it like
a loving mother when her little boy comes in from playing; all covered with
mud, clothes dirty, hair a mess. When the child is young, mother draws the
bath, places him in the warm water and scrubs the dirt away. She knows her
child is too young to do as well at scrubbing as she can.
As the child grows older, mother knows she can hand her
son a towel and some soap and shampoo and let him wash himself. Periodically,
she checks behind the ears to make sure he is on track. If necessary, she can
step in to do the job if he goes to astray with his cleanliness. Eventually, he
will become so attuned to cleanliness that he knows where the towels are, where
the soap and shampoo are, and can find his own way to the shower. Mother does
not even have to monitor his cleanliness. Because he loves his mother and himself,
he does what love leads him to do.
This is how God relates to us. The Old Testament was an
allegory of this relationship. In the beginning, God had to be personally
involved with a lot of hand holding to keep things going in the right
direction. Eventually, He felt it was safe to simply provide the towel and the
soap. In this case it was a checklist of how to achieve cleanliness. (See
Exodus 20) He knew that we would not always do a very good job with the
checklist, so He would “check behind our ears” by sending prophets to remind us
of spots we had missed.
But now, through Paul, He allows us to opportunity to
have a mature faith. That mature faith has only guiding purpose: love. That is
the law of the Spirit that Paul writes of in Romans 8. Like the dirty child, we
cannot get there straight away. We must mature in our faith. A child who cannot
understand the need to keep himself clean cannot understand how anyone can be
trusted to seek cleanliness. They judge all others according to their own
desires. They reason, “I like to be a dirty little piggy, so everyone else must
like to be a dirty little piggy even if they pretend they don’t.”
The child who learns about cleanliness but still needs
to be handed a towel and soap is suspicious of anyone wanting cleanliness who
does not have a towel and some soap. They will measure other’s sincerity by the
presence of the towel and soap. They reason “The towel and soap make me clean,
so anyone who does not have a towel and soap must not be clean.”
The child who has a mature understanding of cleanliness
will know that cleanliness will come when needed because mother wills it so.
Since he loves her and lives in her will, he is perpetually clean. He will
patiently help those in the first two stages. He knows they will judge him
because they do not see the physical presence of his mother. They cannot see
her presence in his heart. They will also judge him because he does not walk
around with a towel and soap all the time. But he knows his mother has provided
everything for his cleanliness. He is confident in his mother’s love and knows
that his understanding of cleanliness comes from her. Because he loves her, he
also loves her other children and encourages them to love her also. He
understands how F = C or D. He understands the law of the Spirit because it
lives in him.
you enjoyed this commentary, you might also enjoy this companion book on Galatians by the author of this commentary.
learn more click on this link.
Walking by Faith
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Waters Ministry
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