Sabbath School Lesson Commentaries
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(New Lesson and Podcast links are turned on weekly as each commentary is published.)
1st Quarter 2011 - "Jesus Wept - The Bible and Human Emotions" 2nd Quarter 2011 - "Garments of Grace - Clothing Imagery in the Bible"
3rd Quarter 2011 - "Worship" 4th Quarter 2011 - "The Gospel in Galatians"
1st Quarter 2012 - "Glimpses of Our God" 2nd Quarter 2012 - "Evangelism and Witnessing">
3rd Quarter 2012 - "1 and 2 Thessalonians" 4th Quarter 2012 - "Growing in Christ"
1st Quarter 2013 - "Origins" 2nd Quarter 2013 - "Major Lessons from Minor Prophets"
3rd Quarter 2013 - "Revival & Reformation" 4th Quarter 2013 - "The Sanctuary"
1st Quarter 2014 - "Discipleship" 2nd Quarter 2014 - "Christ and His Law"
3rd Quarter 2014 - "The Teachings of Jesus" 4th Quarter 2014 - "The Book of James"
1st Quarter 2015 - "Proverbs" 2nd Quarter 2015 - "The Book of Luke"
3rd Quarter 2015 - "Biblical Missionaries" 4th Quarter 2015 - "Jeremiah"
1st Quarter 2016 - "Rebellion and Redemption" 2nd Quarter 2016 - "The Book of Matthew"
3rd Quarter 2016 - "The Role of the Church in the Community" 4th Quarter 2016 - "The Book of Job"
1st Quarter 2017 - "The Holy Spirit and Spirituality" 2nd Quarter 2017 - "'Feed My Sheep' First and Second Peter"
3rd Quarter 2017 - "The Gospel in Galatians" 4th Quarter 2017 - "Salvation by Faith Alone- The Book of Romans"
1st Quarter 2018 - "Stewardship - Motives of the Heart" 2nd Quarter 2018 - "Preparation for the End Time"
3rd Quarter 2018 - "The Book of Acts" 4th Quarter 2018 - "Oneness in Christ"
1st Quarter 2019 - "The Book of Revelation" 2nd Quarter 2019 - "Family Seasons"
3rd Quarter 2019 - "The Least of These - Ministering to Those in Need" 4th Quarter 2019 - "Ezra and Nehemiah"
1st Quarter 2020 - "Daniel" 2nd Quarter 2020 - "How to Interpret Scripture"
3rd Quarter 2020 - "Making Friends for God" 4th Quarter 2020 - "Education"
1st Quarter 2021 - "Isaiah" 2nd Quarter 2021 - "The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant"
3rd Quarter 2021 - "Rest in Christ" 4th Quarter 2021 - "Present Truth in Deuteronomy"
1st Quarter 2022 - "In These Last Days - The Message of Hebrews" 2nd Quarter 2022 - "Genesis"
3rd Quarter 2022 - "In the Crucible With Christ" 4th Quarter 2022 - "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope"
1st Quarter 2023 - "Managing for the Master Till He Comes" 2ndQuarter 2023 - "Three Cosmic Messages"
3rd Quarter 2023 - "Ephesians" 4th Quarter 2023 - "God's Mission, My Mission"
1st Quarter 2024 - "Psalms" 2ndQuarter 2024 - "The Great Controversy"
3rd Quarter 2024 - "The Book of Mark" 4th Quarter 2024 - "Gospel of John"
1st Quarter 2025 - "God's Love and Justice" 2nd Quarter 2025 -
3rd Quarter 2025 - 4th Quarter 2025 -
Sabbath School Quarterly cover images are copyrighted by Lars Justinen and - Used with permission.